Angst vor dem Stürzen im Alter

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Ist es denkbar, dass die Angst, tödlich zu stürzen, tief im Menschen verwurzelt ist?

Im Laufe unseres Wachstums erhebt sich der rund 7kg schwere Kopf in schwindelerregende Höhen. Betrachten wir die reine Körpermechanik, dann be“ruht“ das Balancegeschäft dieses Kopfes und des Rumpfes „nur“ auf zwei Beinen. Und die Beine stehen auf relativ kurz bemessenen Füssen – grosse Hebelkräfte können hier am Werk sein! Und, diese winzige Fläche unserer Fusssohlen ist im Gehen, Stehen, Laufen unsere einzige Verbindung zum festen Boden. Spooky, eigentlich.

Umso wichtiger also, dass wir die Koordination von Kopf, Rumpf und Gliedmassen frei und ungestört zu“lassen“, damit das Balancegeschäft eine sichere Bank bleibt. Doch genau da pfuschen wir kräftig in das Handwerk der Evolution!

Unser städtisch, sitzend und zielfixiert geprägter Lebensstil gibt uns viel Bequemlichkeit, lässt aber auch viel Raum für ungünstige Gewohnheiten – individuelle als auch gesellschaftliche. Unsere Aufmerksamkeit ist mehr auf das Aussen gerichtet, auf das WAS und das WOLLEN, MACHEN und ERREICHEN.

Und so schenken wir dem WIE unserer Aktivitäten nur wenig Beachtung:

WIE ich gehe, sitze, wieder aufstehe, am PC arbeite,

ein Instrument spiele oder Rad fahre. WIE ich meinen Lebensraum einrichte, welche alltäglichen Bewegungsgewohnheiten und Denkmuster mich prägen. Die natürliche Koordination unseres Körpers ist gestört, Leichtigkeit und Beweglichkeit sind futsch. Welcher westliche Erwachsene kann denn bequem, mit beiden Fersen am Boden, in der Hocke sitzen – d.h. die dem Menschen natürlich vorgegebene Sitzposition einnehmen?

Unsere Gestalt ist zusammengesunken, wir haben einen Rundrücken, einen Schwanenhals, steife Gelenke, unnatürlich hohen Verschleiß… - häufig mit Schmerzen verbunden. Die Begriffe „Zivilisationskrankheit / Volkskrankheit“ sind allgemein bekannt und zielen zumeist auf Ursachen infolge falscher Ernährung und Bewegungsmangel. Der Verlust der natürlichen Körperkoordination und Aufrichtung als weitere Ursache muss dazugezählt werden!

Mit den Jahren kann sich der Verlust der Körperkoordination dann zusätzlich durch zittrige, unsichere Bewegungen bemerkbar machen – ein sichtbares Zeichen für den Alten Menschen. Daher können gerade ältere Menschen nicht nur von der Angst, sondern auch von der Tatsache eines Sturzes überdurchschnittlich häufig betroffen sein.

In Grossbritannien wurde im Rahmen einer Studie1 untersucht, wie die Alexander-Technik die Angst älterer Menschen vor dem Stürzen sowie die Anzahl der Stürze selbst positiv beeinflussen kann: „Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das könnte…“. Mitgemacht haben 12 Freiwillige in einem Alter ab 65 Jahren mit einer Angst vor dem Fallen. Während 9 Wochen hatten die Teilnehmenden u.a. 12 Gruppen-Sitzungen mit Unterricht in der Alexander-Technik.

Das Erlernen der Alexander-Technik

ermöglichte es den TeilnehmerInnen, mehr über ihren eigenen Körper zu erfahren und ein Bewusstsein dafür zu entwickeln, WIE sie sich hielten und WIE sie sich bewegten. Der Lernprozess verlangte von den Freiwilligen eine gehörige Portion Mut und Bereitschaft für Veränderungen, z.B. sich auf ungewohnte Art zu bewegen oder sich auf den Boden zu legen und wieder aufzustehen. Es zeigte sich, dass all dies Neue zu erlernen möglich war – auch in fortgeschrittenem Alter!

Den Teilnehmenden gelang es, unnötige Anspannungen überall im Körper aufzuspühren und sie (soweit möglich) gehen zu lassen. Daraus resultierten eine grundsätzlich verbesserte Balance sowie mehr Selbstvertrauen und Lust zu mehr Aktivität – und weniger Stürze.

Der ganzheitliche Ansatz der Alexander-Technik scheint eine wirkungsvolle Intervention zu sein. Die Alexander-Technik hilft, die körperlichen Kompetenzen auch älterer Menschen zu verbessern und ihr geistiges Wohlbefinden zu erhöhen. Sie fühlen sich befähigt, ihre altersbedingten Beschränkungen zu akzeptieren und darauf aufbauend, Veränderungen in ihrem Umfeld vorzunehmen und die Alexander-Technik in ihren alltäglichen Aktivitäten mit Vergnügen und zu ihrem Vorteil anzuwenden.

Die Teilnehmenden erzählen von eindrücklichen Veränderungen und Verbesserungen in ihren Bewegungen, ihrem Wohlbefinden und ihres Selbstvertrauens.

Ich gebe hier einen Auszug aus den Kommentaren, gruppiert in folgenden Themen, wieder:

Physische Verbesserungen

Die Teilnehmenden fnden es leichter, zu sitzen, zu stehen, sich hinzulegen und Treppen zu steigen:

„Also, ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es mir gelingen würde, mich auf den Boden zu legen und dort liegen zu bleiben, aber ich habe es geschafft.“ (T14)
„Ich muss zugeben, ich finde Treppen steigen nun sagenhaft einfacher als vorher“ (T2)
„Endlich kann ich wieder die Wäsche aufhängen ohne einen Gehstock zu Hilfe nehmen zu müssen“ (T14)

Einige Teilnehmende erfuhren Verbesserungen bei Schmerzen und Schlafproblemen:

„… weil ich in den Alexander-Technik Unterricht gegangen bin, um mehr über meinen Körper und so zu lernen, hab ich nun beim gehen viel weniger Schmerzen. Irgendwie kann ich mich aufrecht halten und ich beeile mich nicht mehr so.“ (T6)


TeilnehmerInnen beschrieben zahlreiche Verbesserungen in Bezug auf ihre seelische Stimmung, ihre Zuversicht und Stress:

„Ich erinnere mich, wie T12 in den Unterricht kam: sehr unsicher, nervös und ängstlich. Hingegen kam sie die letzten Male erstaunlich aufgerichtet.“ (T2)
„Mehr Mut und Zuversicht.“ (T8)
„…aber ich denke, wenn ich nicht in den Gruppen-Unterricht gekommen wäre, denke ich, hätte ich es nicht so gut hinkriegen können. Ich hab mich wirklich schlecht gefühlt, aber nun, weisst Du, ist es gut.“ (T6)
„Viel ruhiger, nicht so aufgeregt.“ (T6)
„Und es macht, dass du dich ziemlich stark fühlst, irgendwie.“ (T8)
„Es hat mich gelehrt, die (Körper-)Teile, die ich grad nicht benutze, loszulassen.“ (T2)
„Ja, ich hab mehr Kontakt zum Boden, irgendwie.“ (T8) 


Die Teilnehmenden beschreiben eine gestiegene Wahrnehmung ihrer Umgebung; dessen, WIE sie Dinge tun und welche persönlichen Beeinträchtigungen ihnen praktisch begegnen.

„Es hat mir bewusst gemacht, wo ich immer stolpere: über die Türschwelle im Haus.“ (T12)
„Ich bemerke es, wenn ich einen Einkaufswagen schiebe. Weisst du, ich mache alles mit zu viel Kraft.“ (T11)
„Ich denke mehr darüber nach, wie ich Dinge tue. Ich brauche mehr Zeit, Dinge zu tun, aber das ist gut so. Ich finde es sowieso gut.“ (T8)


Verbunden mit ihrer gestiegenen Aufmerksamkeit beschreiben sie ein Gefühl der Akzeptanz ihrer Einschränkungen und dass sie bei Bedarf um Hilfe bitten.

„Wenn es spät wurde am Abend war ich gewohnt, zu sagen: ‚Ich halte durch, ich kann das…‘ weisst du, weil ich etwas beweisen wollte. Heute denke ich nach.“ (T4)
„Ich kann nicht so schnell laufen oder gehen wie andere, aber das kümmert mich heute nicht mehr.“ (T12)
„Wir müssen nicht alles selber machen.“ (T2)


Die Kombination von gestiegener Aufmerksamkeit und der Akzeptanz der eigenen Einschränkungen schien bei den Teilnehmenden ein Gefühl von Ermächtigung hervorzubringen. Zum Beispiel war die grösste Sorge einer TeilnehmerIn, allein aus dem Bus auszusteigen. Sie beschreibt hier, wie sie damit umgegangen ist, seit sie am AT-Gruppenunterricht teilgenommen hatte:

„…und tatsächlich hab ich es sogar zweimal gemacht! Also muss es etwas verändert haben, denn ohne eine helfende Hand wäre ich vorher nicht aus dem Bus ausgestiegen.“ (T14)

Andere TeilnehmerInnen beschrieben, dass sie sich nun erlaubten, sich in ihrem eigenen Tempo zu bewegen oder Dinge zu erledigen - unbeeindruckt davon, wie schnell es andere machen.

„Ja, ich glaube, ich hab´s begriffen. Ich lasse mich nicht mehr drängen.“ (T12)

Arbeiten mit der Alexander-Technik

Die Teilnehmenden hatten anfangs Schwierigkeiten, zu verstehen, worum es bei der AT eigentlich geht. Insbesondere das Prinzip des „nicht tun“ unterschied sich von allen bisherigen Erfahrungen aus Sportgruppen oder der Physiotherapie.

„Weil ich bereits Yoga und anderes ausprobiert hatte, konnte ich nicht begreifen, warum es keine speziellen Übungen gab, abgesehen von den wirklich wenigen. Nein, es war für mich ein wenig schwer zu verstehen, worum es eigentlich ging.“ (T12)

Aber die TeilnehmerInnen stimmten zu, dass es durch die gemachten Erfahrungen klarer wurde und sie Spass hatten beim Lernen:

„Wenn du einmal dabei bist, macht es wirklich Sinn. Weil du (gedanklich) durch den Körper gehst und deinen Körper kennenlernst und wie alles zusammenhängt.“ (T6)
„…weil wir mitgemacht haben, hatten wir Spass.“ (T2)

Vielleicht weil es am Anfang so schwer zu begreifen war, hatten die Beteiligten den grössten Spass an den konkreten Lerninhalten in der Gruppenarbeit. Sie hatten Freude, die Anatomie der Knochen und Muskeln an ihrem eigenen Körper zu erfahren, indem sie mit Hilfe eines Skelettes und Schaubildern ihre eigenen grossen Gelenke und die entsprechenden Knochenstrukturen lokalisierten.
Darüberhinaus fanden sie verbale Eselsbrücken hilfreich, um sich daran zu erinnern, die AT in ihren alltäglichen Aktivitäten anzuwenden.

„Und was sie zu uns sagen ist ‚fühl, womit dein Körper sitzt‘ und sofort kommt „Sitzknochen“ auf. ‚Wo sind deine Knie und deine Fussgelenke und zwei Füsse und die drei Punkte auf deiner Fusssohle.‘ Und wenn du einmal raus hast, dass so „sitzen“ geht, dann ändert dein Körper seine Haltung.“ (T2)

Der Aspekt des „Innehaltens“ in der AT wurde von den Teilnehmenden als besonders hilfreich beschrieben. Sie hoben hervor, dass das „Innehalten“ ihnen hilft, besser mit Sorgen umzugehen, körperliche Aktivitäten auszuführen und das Fallen zu verhindern.

„…Du hälst inne und denkst ‚ok, ich muss diese Treppe raufgehen und ich habe diese schrecklichen Schuhe an, aber trotzdem muss ich rauf und runter gehen‘ und dann, wenn du kurz innehälst, kannst du nachdenken und deine Füsse dieses kleine bisschen höher heben. Ja. Und beim Bürgersteig runtergehen, da muss ich auch innehalten, stoppen und dann gehe ich runter.“ (T11)

„Und ich denke sowas wie: ‚oh nein, ich kann das nicht, weil das zu schwierig werden wird‘. Jetzt mach` ich es einfach und ich schaffe es, weisst du? Weil ich es kann … ich habe meine Stops und so“ (T6)
„Weil ich so häufig hinfiel, sagte meine Mutter immer zu mir ‚du würdest noch über ein Streichholz stolpern‘. Vielleicht hätte ich das vermeiden können, wenn ich mehr innegehalten, nachgedacht und meine Haltung verändert hätte.


1 “I never thought I could do that…”: Findings from an Alexander Technique pilot group for older people with a fear of falling.
Lesley Glovera), Debbie Kinseya), D. Jane Clappisonb), E. Gardinera), Julie Jomeena)
a)University of Hull, School of Health and Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aire Building, Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom
b)Private practice, 21 Burnby Lane, Pocklington, York, YO42 2QB UK
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 17 (2018) 79–85


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    Last Updated on January 18, 2022

    Short Information About the 4RaBet App
    Table of Content Show
    Gone are the days when you could only bet on a computer. Many modern players now use a mobile app or lite (mobile) version of the website, thanks to them they can stay in touch all the time. You can place bets thanks to devices anywhere – on the street, at work, and even in a group of friends. Bookie 4RaBet, aware of this trend, has developed a mobile 4RaBet app for Android and iOS.

    4RaBet App Review
    4rabet app line

    More than 30 sports disciplines are represented in a 4RaBet in India line, and even for unordinary events, a lineup is sufficiently variable. The bookmaker offers to bet on rally, eSports or try your hand at betting on politics as well as on usual sport events. On the main page, top events are collected from the top, giving players quick access to cricket, soccer, hockey and other popular bets.

    Live bets
    4rabet app live bets

    The live sector offers to bet on the same disciplines. All the information about upcoming sporting events can be found out in the “Live” tab. Multi Live mode allows you to bet in real time on several matches at the same time.

    The range of markets for live events depends on the sport. For soccer matches, the list includes more than 200 outcomes, for less popular disciplines, about 50-100 markets will be offered.

    Customer support service
    If the player has problems and questions regarding the functionality of the site, please communicate with the support service, available 24/7. You can use following communication channels:

    Live chat on the top line of the home page
    Pros and Cons
    ? Safety of the portal, confirmed with a license registered in Curacao

    ? Multifunctional mobile legal cricket betting apps in India

    ?Thoughtful live-mode (live broadcasts of matches with high image quality)

    ? Impressive line with a large number of sports, including quite rare for the region

    ? No intrusive ads

    ? Convenient navigation structure (there is a lower control panel, a menu button)

    ? Understandable and user-friendly interface

    ? There is a vast array of casino games

    ? No loyalty program

    ? Periodic delays in the settlement of bets

    ? Insufficient bonus offers for experienced customers: there is only a bonus for beginners

    ? Not enough ways to communicate with user’s support

    Is 4RaBet legal in India?
    Yes, the 4 ra bet app download is fully legitimate in India in accordance with local laws; also the company also has a license registered in Curacao from Umbrella Development B.V.

    How to Download and Install 4RaBet Mobile app on iOS?
    The 4RaBet app download apk is accessible only from the App Store. You can find the India cricket betting apps by its name, but it is much safer to go to the official website. Scroll the home page to the bottom, then find and tap the “iOS App” button. Immediately you’ll be forwarded to the App Store with this 4RaBet casino apk download. Tap the button for installation (will be named “Download” or “Install”).

    For 4RaBet casino app download, your mobile device must meet the system conditions. The iOS version must be at least 12. The program takes up 3.2 MB on the phone when downloading, but after additional packages are downloaded to convenient work with the application, so the app will take 30+ MB.

    How to Download 4RaBet Mobile App for Android?
    You can 4RaBet app download only from the official website – the programme has not been added to the Play Market. The player downloads the 4RaBet apk to his Android device (button for installing is situated at the very bottom of the homepage) after which the application is installed. If it’s necessary for the device, change the security settings (enable permission for installation programs from unknown sources).

    4rabet apk download

    For app installation, your mobile device must meet the system conditions. The operating system must be at least 4.4 (Android version). The program takes up 3.2 MB on the mobile phone when downloading, and after that additional packages are downloaded to work well with the program, so the application will take up 20+ MB.

    How to Bet Via the 4RaBet App?
    To place a bet, follow a few easy steps:

    Open the already 4RaBet download application and 4RaBet app login or register.
    Make a deposit of the necessary amount in a convenient way for you.
    In the menu, select the section you are interested in (line or live).
    Select the sports discipline you are interested in in the top line and the tournament in the main part of the page.
    Click on an event to view all available outcomes.
    Choose the type of bet you need: Main, Totals, Handicap, 1st Half, 2nd Half, Corners/Booking, Fast, Player Props, Combo Markets, etc.
    For single, add one selection to the coupon by clicking on its high odds. There are at least two events for combo. The system requires at least three events in the coupon.
    Specify the bet amount in a special window. Minimum amount – 100 INR.
    Check the correctness of your choice and click on the green “Apply Bet” button to place a bet.
    How to Get a Bonus in the 4RaBet App?
    The 4RaBet bookmaker offers players a good first bonus on casino or betting, although nothing about it can be found if you are not registered, and this is considered a minus of the bookmaker. Also you can’t find the loyalty program for players. The first bonus you should choose is one of two when registering: either casino or sports.

    100% Bonus Up to INR 15,000
    Immediately after quick registration, you can receive the first bonus. To do this, you must register (do not forget to select the bonus that you are interested in) and make a first deposit in any payment option convenient for you. The deposit must be at least 750 INR. But the amount of a bonus doesn’t exceed 15,000 INR. To successfully claim this bonus, you must meet the criteria:

    Wagering of the amount is only possible on Single Bets with odds 1.7 and more
    Betting conditions for the promotion are x10
    You can only place one bet per event
    The bonus is available only 7 days after it is credited, you must make stakes with all the 4RaBet app earn money on events within a week
    Immediately after the successful transfer of your funds to the betting account, the bonus will be credited automatically (otherwise, you will need to write to the support service that the bonus was not credited).

    100% Casino Welcome Bonus
    Immediately after 4 Ra Bet apk registration, you have the opportunity to receive the first bonus. To do this, you must register (do not forget to select a casino bonus when registering) and top up your new account.

    The deposit must be at least 750 INR. But the bonus amount does not exceed 20,000 INR. After a successful deposit, you will automatically receive a bonus (or you will have to write to the support service). You can spend money on casino game or to play slots.

    How to Update the 4RaBet App to Latest Version?
    An update to the 4 ra bet app is a must as it contains new features and improves reliability and stability. The update is available 4RaBet for Android and iOS.

    Android App update
    An update on Android smartphone will be offered to you every time you open the application, as soon as the 4bet app download is updated by the developers. All you have to do is just click on the “Refresh” button and check if you have uninterrupted internet access.

    iOS App Update
    An update of 4RaBet app for iOS can be installed automatically in the App Store, and the 4 RaBet com app download will automatically (when accessing the Internet) be updated as soon as a new version appears.

    How to Uninstall the 4RaBet App from Your Mobile Device?
    Removing from Android
    Click and hold the app icon on the home screen
    4rabet app removing from android
    Click on “Uninstall” in the line that appears on the pop-up
    Confirm the deleting of an app by clicking on the “Uninstall” button
    Another Way
    Open “Settings” on the device
    Find the line “Applications”
    Find the 4 RaBet app here
    Click on the “Uninstall” line
    Confirm the deleting of the application by clicking on the “Ok” button
    Removing from iOS-based Device
    Press and hold the icon
    Click “Uninstall Application” bottom line
    Click “Uninstall Application” and then “Uninstall” or “Ok” to confirm
    Another Way
    If you press and hold an app, all icons on it start to shake
    Click the sign ? in the upper left corner of the app
    Click on “Uninstall Application” and then “Uninstall” or “Ok” to confirm
    Click “Ok”
    Main differences between 4RaBet Mobile App and Mobile Version
    There is no difference at all in the functionality and interface of the mobile application and the mobile version of the site, they are identical. But in terms of the speed of work and page loading, the application, of course, has an advantage, because even with a slow Internet, it surprises with the speed of work.

    Benefits of the 4RaBet mobile app
    The 4RaBet application is conditionally divided into the following functional areas, which are very convenient in cricket betting apps for android in India:

    The top line displays the Menu buttons, links to download cricket betting apps for Android and iOS, live chat and the company logo.
    The second top line of the main page shows only 2 buttons: Sign In and Registration.
    Below are advertising banners from the company.
    The next line is a Line/Live toggle, a list of your favorite events “Favourites” and a list of your bets “My Bets”.
    Below is a line with all sports betting that have available events.
    Popular events are located in the main part of the page.
    There is also a lower control panel: it contains the buttons “Bet Slip”, “Live” to go to the section with live events, “Cricket” – a separate tab with fresh cricket sports events, “Casino” and “Live Casino”, “Baccarat Live”.
    If you scroll down the main page, you will find an informational where you can read information about 4RaBet Online Betting in India, Rules and Privacy policy of the company, choose the language of the 4RaBet apk download, download mobile applications to your phone, read information about the company’s license. Also here you can make a report of the problem, if you have one.
    FAQs About 4 Ra Bet Betting Site
    1?? Which app is best for cricket betting?
    The best cricket betting app, according to the reviews of players from India, is www 4rabet com. This application is the best because it offers a user friendly interface, a huge number of cricket events (both live and pre match), a good bonus for the first players and high reliability of the company.

    2?? How do I withdraw my winnings in the app?
    You must register or log in, place a bet on any event and be sure to win it. After you must verify your identity and withdraw in the same way that you made the deposit.

    3?? Are there any unique bonuses in the mobile app?
    No, there are no unique bonuses in the application that could not be obtained in the mobile or desktop version of the official site.

    4?? Is the 4RaBet App Free?
    Yes, downloading the 4RaBet app is completely free and available to anyone, on any device (Android or iOS).

  • Kommentar-Link Freitag, 12 Januar 2024 02:57 gepostet von


  • Kommentar-Link Arthursparm Freitag, 12 Januar 2024 02:46 gepostet von Arthursparm


    Our regular followers are well aware that we mainly review automated cryptocurrency exchanges, but in this article, for the first time, we’re gonna be talking about the online betting platform/online casino 4rabet.

    content image
    What is 4rabet?
    4Rabet is one of the most popular and world-famous betting sites from India, it offers a huge number of betting options.

    It is a unique Indian betting site that offers an amazing and interactive sportsbook full of cricket betting options (along with many other sports).

    The 4Rabet platform was founded in 2018 in India and was initially positioned as an online casino platform, which immediately caused massive excitement among gamblers and promised high-quality service and guaranteed payments for everyone involved, not only those who live in India.

    The 4Rabet platform has a whole line of sporting events in stock, from the world's largest sports leagues and tournaments.

    content image
    Also, 4Rabet offers a huge number of betting options, including both the basic outcome of the match, and the whole tournament with a detailed distribution of places and other outcomes as well.

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    4rabet App
    The 4rabet app has gained significant popularity among Indian sports enthusiasts and online gamblers in recent years. This comprehensive betting platform offers a wide array of sports events and casino games to cater to the diverse preferences of Indian users.

    Features of the 4rabet App:

    Extensive Sports Selection. The 4rabet app offers a vast range of sports for users to bet on, including popular Indian favorites such as cricket, football, and kabaddi. International sports like tennis, basketball, and horse racing are also available, ensuring that there is something for everyone.
    Live Betting. The app provides live betting options, enabling users to place bets in real-time during ongoing matches. This feature adds an extra layer of excitement to the betting experience, as users can make informed decisions based on the current game situation.
    Casino Games. In addition to sports betting, the 4rabet app also offers an extensive collection of online casino games. Users can choose from a variety of options, including slot machines, poker, blackjack, and roulette, to name a few.
    User-friendly Interface. The app boasts a clean and intuitive design, making it easy for users to navigate through various sections and place bets with minimal hassle.
    Multiple Payment Options. 4rabet app supports several payment methods, including popular options such as UPI, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets like Paytm, ensuring that users can deposit and withdraw funds conveniently.
    Customer Support. The app offers dedicated customer support through live chat, email, and phone, catering to users' needs and resolving any issues that may arise.
    The 4rabet app has emerged as a popular choice among Indian sports bettors and casino enthusiasts, thanks to its extensive sports selection, user-friendly interface, and tailored features for the Indian market. By offering a safe and legal platform, competitive odds, and an array of bonuses and promotions, the app provides an engaging and rewarding experience for Indian users.

    Which of them are included in the line of games presented on the 4Rabet platform?
    content image
    Bonuses at 4rabet India
    One of the significant factors contributing to its popularity is the variety of enticing bonuses and promotions offered by the platform 4rabet. These bonuses not only enhance the overall gaming experience but also provide users with additional opportunities to maximize their winnings.

    New and existing users can benefit from a wide array of promotions available on 4rabet India, ranging from welcome bonuses to cashback offers and referral programs. These incentives encourage user engagement, loyalty, and retention, making the platform even more appealing to a broader audience. Below is a brief overview of some of the bonuses offered by 4rabet India:

    Welcome Bonus: New users can claim a generous welcome bonus on their first deposit, which typically offers a 100% to 200% match up to a specific amount (e.g., INR 20,000).
    Free Bets: 4rabet occasionally provides users with free bets, allowing them to place wagers without risking their own funds. These promotions are usually available during major sports events or tournaments.
    Reload Bonuses: Existing users can take advantage of periodic reload bonuses that offer a percentage match on subsequent deposits, encouraging continued engagement on the platform.
    Cashback Offers: 4rabet may provide cashback offers, allowing users to receive a percentage of their net losses back as bonus funds, incentivizing continued play and loyalty.
    Referral Program: Users can earn additional bonuses by referring friends to join the platform. When a referred friend signs up and makes their first deposit, both the referrer and the new user receive bonus funds.
    Seasonal and Event-based Promotions: 4rabet often runs time-limited promotions and offers related to specific sports events, festivals, or holidays, providing users with unique opportunities to boost their winnings or earn extra rewards.
    4raBet Betting on Sports
    At your service are available:

    Cricket (the main category with which 4rabet started their sportsbook)
    Ice hockey
    Table tennis
    Among more or less traditional sports, participants in the online betting platform 4Rabet have the opportunity to place bets on e-sports competitions as well, which include such disciplines as Dota 2, League of Legends, and Starcraft!

    Of course, 4Rabet owes its origin to a team of developers from India and it was originally planned to become the first online betting platform for residents of India, but with the growing popularity of the project, 4Rabet has become truly world-famous, and now it can be confidently called a truly international project.

    A wide variety of cricket bets & other sports
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    As we mentioned earlier, at the very beginning of its formation, the 4Rabet platform positioned itself mainly as an online betting platform for cricket betting - one of the most popular sports in India.

    I must say that Indians love cricket and all of its varieties.

    Indians loooove cricket!
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    It's no surprise that 4Rabet offers such a variety of bets on this beautiful and incredibly addicting sport that is beloved by many Indians.

    On the 4Rabet platform, you can place bets on regional matches as well as on matches in world championships and ranked cricket games.

    4Rabet Registration
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    The registration process on the 4Rabet site is extremely simple.

    Visit the 4rabet website ( or download the app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
    Click on the "Sign Up" button.
    Fill in the registration form with your email address, password, and preferred currency (e.g., INR).
    Confirm your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your inbox.
    Complete your profile by providing personal information such as your name, date of birth, and contact details.
    Verify your identity by submitting the required documents (e.g., ID card, passport, or driver's license).
    Once verified, deposit funds into your account using your preferred payment method, and you're ready to start betting.
    Technical Support on 4rabet
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    4rabet review
    Technical support works around the clock and to communicate with technical support agents, you can either write an email (describing your problem in detail and indicating the subject in the title of the letter) or contact technical support directly on the site using the chat window for communication.

    Within a few minutes, a technical support employee will contact you in order to answer your questions.

    Given the growing popularity of the 4Rabet platform, many users are expected to have the following questions:
    Is 4Rabet a scam?

    Is 4Rabet legit?

    What are the ways to withdraw money from 4Rabet? What are the ways to deposit money on 4Rabet?

    Will there be problems with money withdrawing from the 4Rabet platform if my bet wins in the end?

    So, we hasten to assure you - we personally checked the functionality of the 4Rabet platform using our own deposit on the platform and tried to withdraw money.

    We did not have any problems with either depositing or withdrawing whatsoever - the money is credited to the card within a few minutes (in some individual cases - hours or maybe 2-3 days, in case there are some technical issues on the platform).

    The only condition for successful deposit/withdrawal of fiat funds from the platform is mandatory registration, which will not take you more than 5 minutes (either by email or by phone number).

    Money Depositing and Withdrawing
    Methods for depositing money into your account include:

    Visa (debit and credit cards)
    Mastercard (debit and credit cards)
    Our Conclusion
    We checked the platform's functionality, got acquainted with the numerous range of sports events presented on the platform, the variety of bet types and odds, the low commission of the platform, and came to the conclusion that the 4Rabet online betting platform is one of the fastest-growing, high-quality and, most importantly, reliable online betting platforms in the world today.

    4Rabet is Legal?
    We spent quite a lot of time on the platform in order to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the service, the usability of the interface, and so on.

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    In this case, it was not so easy to draw up a thorough examination, since earlier we reviewed exclusively cryptocurrency exchanges and aggregators, decentralized platforms, online brokerage platforms, and other projects related to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

    However, in this respect, 4Rabet is transparent as glass. They are officially certified to carry out such activities, they have all the necessary registrations, so customers do not have to worry about the safety of their accounts.

    In addition, no history of hacks, scams, and other problems on the platform has arisen before, therefore, in this regard, we can confidently declare that the 4Rabet platform is a reliable and proven online betting platform.


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